
George Romero's Filme => G. A. Romero => Thema gestartet von: Doc_Foster am 17. Januar 2004, 13:34:55

Titel: Neues von George...
Beitrag von: Doc_Foster am 17. Januar 2004, 13:34:55
Von via

"Actually, I've been very busy. In addition to Diamond Dead, I've been working on Dracula, an MOW for TV, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, a Steve King novel which Steve trusted me to adapt for the "Big Screen", and I've been doing some revisions on the script for my fourth zombie flick, Dead Reckoning. I've also been working on a novel called Alligator Point. I've tried novels before, never getting past page ninety or so before losing faith in the material (and in myself). I'm on page three hundred and sixty of Alligator Point. This time, I might actually finish."