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Autor Thema: BOOK OF THE DEAD  (Gelesen 2586 mal)
Shopping Mall Hero
Beiträge: 2925


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« am: 10. August 2005, 19:29:21 »

Kennt jemand dieses Buch? Und wenn ja, ist es empfehlenswert?
Kostet bei amazon.com 16,47$....

Book Description
A full-on history of the zombie's on-screen evolution from Caribbean bogeyman to flesh-eating corpse. Spanning seven decades of horror movie history with hundreds of stills, artwork, and an exhaustive filmography, this is the complete, long-awaited history of one of horror cinema's most enduring genres. Charting the entire ghoulish history of zombie cinema, from its origins in Haitian voodoo to its cinematic debut in 1932's White Zombie, are hundreds of zombie films from America, Europe and Asia, including Bela Lugosi B movies, Italian gore films, Nazi zombies, porno zombies, and blind monk zombies.

About the Author
Jamie Russell is a freelance film journalist, author and broadcaster with a PhD from London University in English Literature. His reviews and features have appeared in numerous film publications and on radio and TV. He also writes DVD film notes.



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Dr. Tongue
Shopping Mall Hero
Beiträge: 1651

Every dead body which is

« Antworten #1 am: 11. August 2005, 13:00:34 »

Ist das vieleicht das Buch, das Lenny Lies erwähnte? News auf der dotd.de-Seite vom 19.07.05

Interessantes Cover mit Dawn-Schrift und Fulci-Grafik.


Every dead body that's not been exterminated
becomes one of them. It gets up and kills.
The people it kills get up and kill!
Shopping Mall Hero
Beiträge: 2925


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« Antworten #2 am: 05. Januar 2006, 12:43:28 »

Quelle : www.fabpress.com

One of cinema's most enduring monsters, the zombie has been terrifying audiences around the world for decades. Book of the Dead charts the ghoulish history of zombie cinema, from the creature's origins in Haitian voodoo to its cinematic debut in 1932's White Zombie, George A. Romero's quartet of 'Dead' movies (which includes the two acknowledged classics of the genre, Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead) and recent blockbuster hits like 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead and Land of the Dead

Covering hundreds of movies from America, Europe and Asia, this exhaustive history chronicles the zombie's on-screen evolution from Caribbean bogeyman to flesh-eating corpse. Along the way, Book of the Dead takes in Bela Lugosi B-movies, Italian gore films, Asian zombies, British zombies, blind monk zombies, shot-on-video backyard epics and the videogame phenomenon of Resident Evil. Spanning seven decades of horror movie history with hundreds of stills - including an incredible 64 pages of blood-drenched full colour photos and rare international poster art - and an exhaustive filmography, Book of the Dead explains why we continue to be so fascinated with these fugitives from the undertaker.


Introduction. Dead Men Walking

Chapter One. Caribbean Terrors
# Tracking the Walking Dead
# The Origins of the Zombie
# The Zombie in the West

Chapter Two. The Zombie Goes to Hollywood
# Horror Hits the Stage
# Cultural Anxieties: Haiti, the Depression and Race
# The Zombies Are Revolting

Chapter Three. Down and Out on Poverty Row
# Horror Comedy on Black Island
# The Poverty Row Years
# Val Lewton: A Touch of Class

Chapter Four. Atomic Interlude
# Sci-Fi Horrors
# Voodoo's Last Gasps
# The Mass Destruction of Men's Minds

Chapter Five. Bringing It All Back Home
# Keeping It in the Family
# Stiff Upper Lips and the Walking Dead
# South of the Border
# Back on American Soil: Night of the Living Dead

Chapter Six. Dawn of the Dead
# Romero's Children
# The Ghouls Can't Help It
# Destructive Tendencies
# Sex, Death and Amando de Ossorio's Templars
# By the Dawn's Early Light

Chapter Seven. Splatter Horror
# The Italians Are Coming!
# The Apocalypse of Narrative: Fulci's Zombie Trilogy
# The Return to the Caribbean
# Splatter House of Horrors

Chapter Eight. Twilight of the Dead
# Night of the Living Dead Redux
# Poverty Row for the MTV Generation (Or, Children Shouldn't Play with Camcorders)
# Of Death, Of Love: An Interlude
# The Resident Evil Effect
# Big-Budget Ghouls
# Rebirth of the Dead

Afterword. Something To Do With Death

Chapter Nine. Zombie Filmography
# A comprehensive 80-page A-Z guide to every significant zombie movie ever made.

"This is the book that zombie fans have been waiting for... enough to keep deadhead enthusiasts happy the world over!" - Eat My Brains website review

"Book of the Dead is one of the best genre books of recent memory. Russell's book is magnificently structured... stunningly designed... essential, intelligent and entertaining." - Rumour Machine website review

The Author/Editor

Jamie Russell is a busy freelance film journalist. His work appears in such magazines as Sight & Sound, Total Film, Hotdog, FHM, DVD Review and the BBC Film website, and he has broadcast on television and radio. Jamie has previously written books on The Beat Generation (Pocket Essentials, 2002) and Vietnam War Movies (Pocket Essentials, 2002).


FAB Press
7 Farleigh
Ramsden Road

Technical Details
Size: 254mm x 192mm
Binding: Paperback
Extent: 320 pages, including 64 pages in full colour
ISBN: 1 903254 33 7
Publication Date: 11 Oct 2005
Market: Horror / Cinema / Culture
Weight: 1005g
Edition: First Edition
Status: In Stock - Now Shipping
Cover Price: £19.99 (UK), $29.95 (USA)

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Leben und leben lassen.
Shopping Mall Hero
Beiträge: 2925


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« Antworten #3 am: 09. November 2006, 19:23:53 »

Hat inzwischen irgendjemand dieses Buch?
Würde mich interessieren, ob es wirklich so gut ist.


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